We continue the series of descriptions of folk costumes taken from the book, now out of print, Il Costume popolare in Italia, by Emma Calderini, published by Sperling & Kupfer, Milano. In this issue, we highlight two costumes from the region of Abruzzi. Click here for the entire gallery
Blouse of homemade fabric with a scooped neckline, decorated with crocheted lace at the neck and sleeves. Bodice of hand-woven fabric; separate sleeves are attached with colored lace and embroidered with gold braiding (see detail). Wide pleated skirt striped at the bottom with bands of fabric and velvet. Small silk apron. Woolen knit stockings. Shoes of black leather. Hair parted at the forehead and braids gathered in the back. A handkerchief of white muslin, embroidered in the corners, covers the head allowing glimpses of the silk ribbon that ties around the head. Gold pendant earrings. Necklace of hammered gold beads. Gold rings with images of saints.
Holiday Attire of Orsogna
Blouse of flannelette, decorated at the neck with lace and on the front with narrow pleats. Skirt of heavy wool with velvet appliqués and colored stitching, gathered in pleats at the waist and smooth in the front. Little taffeta jacket, decorated with fabric remnants and velvet. Apron of embroidered silk, hemmed with an embroidered lace border. On the head and shoulders, a shawl of beautiful Damask silk. White knit stockings. Shoes of black leather. Large earrings of wrought gold (see detail).