Sposo di Loreto nel costume antico / Bridegroom from Loreto in Ancient Costume
Shirt of homespun cloth decorated on the chest with pintucks and embroidery with sleeves gathered at the wrist and closed with a small button. Double-breasted vest of silk with golden metal buttons. Short fitted jacket, of black woolen cloth, decorated with ribbons, cording, abd embroidery. Close-fitting woolen pants. White knit stockings, tied with red ribbons. Shoes of natural leather with appliqués of colored leather and openwork embroidery.
Contadina di Macerata / Peasant Woman from Macerata
Blouse of homespun cloth with wide sleeves, quilted horizontally and vertically. Above a first skirt of white cotton, she wears another of deep blue woolen cloth, bordered at the bottom with stripes of vibrant colors. Yet on top of this, another full skirt of homemade cloth or wool with vertical lines, gathered at the waist. Above this could go an apron of cotton or silk, with lines or flowers. The very rigid vest, high in the front, is of embroidered silk held up with suspenders. Flowered shawl, adorned with fringe. Head scarf/covering in printed silk.