Word Searches:
- Italian Expressions
- Geography of Italy
- Regions of Italy
- Italian Cities
- Days, Months, Seasons
- Colors
- The Family
- Clothing
- Parts of the Body
- Italian Foods
- At the Farm
- At the Zoo
- In the City
- Italian Artists
- Countries and Continents
For translations of the vocabulary used in the word searches, open the WORD SEARCH VOCABULARY LISTS .
Connect the Dots:
Coloring Pages:
- Flag of Italy
- Map of Europe
- Regions of Italy
- Regions of Italy (answers)
- Buona Pasqua (Happy Easter)
- The Dove of Easter
- Columbus Day
- La Befana and Babbo Natale (Santa Claus)
- Italian Aqueduct
- The Coliseum
- Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa
- Numbers 0-9
- Pizza
Crossword Puzzles:
- Days, Months, and Seasons
- Answers: Days, Months, and Seasons
- Colors
- Answers: Color
- Parts of the Body
- Answers: Parts of the Body
- At the Farm
- Answers: At the Farm
- In the City
- Answers: In the City
- At the Zoo
- Answers: At the Zoo
- Foods
- Answers: Foods
- Clothing
- Answers: Clothing
- Family
- Answers: Family
Kids can also visit the GAMES page of the Centro Studi Italiano for interactive games like Hangman, Multiple Choice, and Crosswords.