Become a part of our Proud Italian Tradition

As a member of IFAFA, you  get

  • Discounts to our annual conference
  • Discounts on our publications
  • Make new friends to participate in dances and other voluntary events
  • The proud satisfaction of preserving the rich Italian Traditions

Your membership and contributions enable IFAFA to:

  • Foster and preserve the folk arts of Italy in America;
  • Research Italian folklore, traditions, customs, costumes, dances, music, instruments, foods, etc.;
  • Act as a center for gathering and storing information and resources;
  • Encourage publication of related books, recordings, etc.;
  • Hold workshops and conferences;
  • Publish and distribute Tradizioni, the official newsletter of IFAFA;
  • Provide contacts for groups to perform in costume at educational and community events;
  • Train and provide leaders in Italian folk dances, songs, and other folk arts.
Age 21 or under $10 / yr
Over age 21 $20 / yr