If you use Face Book, be sure to find IFAFA’s FB page and follow it. We post information about our members’ activities, folk events in both the U.S. and Italy, and other items of cultural or folkloric interest. Once you receive our posts regularly, please interact with us! It “boosts our ratings” the more people like and comment on the postings, so please visit frequently and boost the ratings by liking and commenting often on the posts. Just looking at the page, but not participating, is not as helpful.
We would also like to receive more news from IFAFA troupes and individuals that we can post. Even if it is not likely that someone in California would be able to attend an event in, say, Rockford, IL, including posts about local events shows the breadth of IFAFA’s activities. When someone local does like a post, that person’s like may be seen by others who may then become aware of, and join, our page. If you have events that you would like to see on the IFAFA FB page, you may add it as a Visitor Post, or you may email pictures and brief descriptions to Jackie Capurro at <viva_ifafa@hotmail.com>.